
HUD Homes: What the heck are they and how can I buy one?

Cullen P. Watson, Esq.

What are HUD Homes?

“HUD Homes” refer to property owned by The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that are offered for sale to the general public.  You can search for HUD homes for sale at the HUD website: http://www.hudhomestore.com/Home/Index.aspx 

Per my previous blog post, there isn’t a special or secret list for HUD Homes.  They are freely available to the public (see above link).  However, there are many website purporting to have special lists of HUD Homes.  They don’t.  They just want you to sign up and give them your personal information.

How can I buy a HUD Home? 

You will need a HUD-certified broker to submit your offer on the HUD website.  Not all brokers are HUD-certified!  In fact, only about a hundred in Washington, DC are certified to make an offer on a HUD Home. 

Rest assured, Lawyers Realty Group is HUD-certified.  Should the home you want to buy just happen to be owned by The Department of Housing and Urban Development, we’ve got you covered. 

Buy Smart.  Live Well.

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